• 直播嘉賓:Daniel Haudenschild ,CEO of ORIGYN

  • 地點: Seer Labs' Discord

  • 以下是直播內容

1.歡迎Daniel做客SeerLabs,首先請Daniel向大家介紹一下自己吧! Welcome Daniel as a guest speaker at SeerLabs Community. First of all, please introduce yourself.

A:Hi, thank you so much. Great to be here. My name is Daniel. I was born in Switzerland, grew up in Boston, Massachusetts. When I finished my university degree I started working in Africa, and then consistently worked all over the world. Austria, Sweden, Manila, Hong Kong, Shanghai, London,, and NY. Most of my career I was working for the big-4 audit firm Ernst & Young. And for the most part I worked in Banking and Financial Services , working for companies like Swiss RE, Morgan Stanley, Barclays Bank, and Deutsche Bank.

Somewhere around 2014 I learned about blockchain, and it captured my imagination and I could not go back to regular banking. I was stuck in this new world of crypto currencies and Bitcoin. I have been working professionally in blockchain ever since.


我出生在瑞士,在波士頓長大。當我畢業後,在非洲開始了我的第一份工作, 之後奧地利、瑞典、馬尼拉、香港、上海、倫敦和紐約等地進行全球工作。在我職業生涯的大部分時間裡,我都在為四大會計師事務所Ernst & Young 工作。在大多數情況下,我在銀行和金融服務部門工作,為摩根士丹利、巴克萊銀行、德意志銀行等公司工作。

大約在2014 年的某個時候,我了解了區塊鏈,它激發了我的想像力,這讓我我無法回到傳統銀行業務。便投身了在加密貨幣和比特幣的新世界。從那以後,我一直專注在區塊鏈行業。

2.您好, Daniel ! 可以向我們介紹下ORIGYN項目嗎?

Can you also introduce ORIGYN to our community?

A: With pleasure. ORIGYN is simple. So simple it sometimes feels boring in the world of NFTs, DeFi, and ICOs. ORIGYN makes certificates of authenticity. It is a Swiss foundation, run by a council board, and if there is an ORIGYN certificate of authenticity on an object, we guarantee it's authenticity world wide. If it turns out that it is counterfeit, the foundation pays. So our certificates are very strong, the best in the world, we think. We can make better certificates because of the technology we use, which isnt boring at all. We use Blockchain, data science and also computer vision, micro-structure traceability, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to identify objects with a smart phone.

So our certificates can be used in luxury goods like Handbags, Rolexs, jewelry. It can also be used for Art work and art masterpieces. It can of course be used for collectables items like sports memorabilia and it can even be used in the metaverse for identification, and creating scarcity in digital worlds. Like making sure that there are only 20 mythical skins in a game, or preserving an influencers content so it cant be copied.

In essence therefore ORIGYN solves a fundamental problem that everyone has all around the world when they want to buy something of value, “Is what I am looking at the real thing, is the person who is trying to sell it to me the rightful owner. ” Now you do not have to guess, you can get a guarantee.

榮幸。 ORIGYN 其實很簡單。有時在嘈雜的區塊鏈世界中,“簡單到無聊”

ORIGYN是一個瑞士基金會,由理事會管理。 ORIGYN為產品製作區塊鏈真品證書。如果該物品上有ORIGYN 真品證書,我們就可以保證它在全球範圍內的真實性。如果存在假貨,基金會將全額支付費用。


所以我們的證書可以用於手袋、勞力士、珠寶等奢侈品。它也可以用於藝術作品和藝術傑作。它可以用於體育紀念品等收藏品,甚至可以在元宇宙中用於識別,並在數字世界中創造稀缺性。就像確保遊戲中只有20 個神話皮膚,或者保留影響者的內容以使其無法複製。

因此,從本質上講,ORIGYN 解決了​​世界各地每個人在想購買有價值的東西時都會遇到的一個基本問題,“我看到的是真實的東西,試圖把它賣給我的人是合法的所有者。 ”現在您不必猜測,您可以獲得保證。


As an NFT market platform, why did ORIGYN choose to develop on the Internet Computer developed by the DFINITY Foundation and not Ethereum blockchain, where the transaction volume of NFTs is much higher?

High transaction volume is nice. It does not necessarily mean that technology will last forever. Look at the FAX machine. For a long time the FAX machine had the highest volume. Now they belong in a museum thanks to WeChat, Telegram and Weibo. If you asked the WeChat guys the same question as they were developing WeChat, they would have a similar answer.

The technology we are using with DFINITY is the next generation of decentralized system. It is an evolution beyond Ethereum. So much so that the NFTs on Ethereum are starting to store the NFT content on DFINITY.

The things that we are doing with recognition and computer understanding would not be possible without DFINITY.

以太坊擁有這很高的交易量, 但並不一定意味著它將永遠存在。讓我們回溯傳真機的歷史。長期以來,傳真機的傳播很廣泛。但是隨著微信、電報和微博的出現,它們現在屬於博物館。如果你問微信人和他們開發微信一樣的問題,他們會有類似的答案。

我們與DFINITY 一起使用的技術是下一代去中心化系統。這是超越以太坊的進化方式。以至於以太坊上的NFT 開始將NFT 內容存儲在DFINITY 上。


4.我們有了解到ORIGYN最近有和Watch box合作,來幫助Watch box來樹立高級認證,這其中運用了什麼技術,除了腕錶以外,ORIGYN未來會將防偽技術帶去哪些行業呢?

We have learned that ORIGYN has recently partnered with WatchBox to certify authenticity. Can you explain the underlying technology? Besides luxury timepieces, which industry will ORIGYN tap into to fight against counterfeiting??

A:Sure. Watches are LUXURY things which have become a status symbol and are prised the world over. The watch manufacturers make only a small amount of watches every year. So the price in the secondary market grows very high, very fast. Of course authenticity is very important because the value is so high. Watch Box are experts in managing this secondary market for watches, and our certificates give their customers certainty that the watches are real, guaranteed.

So what we do is we take ultra-high resolution images of the watches and pack them into NFTs. These images are so high definition that we can identify the watches again if we see them later. So every watch if photographed from all sides with specialty equipment, and these images are fed into the internet computer. Here ORIGYN has the largest database of watch images ever collected. This helps us identify the watch if we see it again, like for example if your smartphone looks “sees” it.

當然。名貴手錶是奢侈品,也是成為身份地位的象徵,並在世界範圍內受到珍視。奢侈品手錶製造商每年只生產少量的手錶。所以二級市場的價格增長非常高,非常快。當然真實性非常重要,因為價值如此之高。 Watch Box 是管理手錶二級市場的專家,我們的證書讓他們的客戶確信手錶是真實的,有保證的。

所以我們所做的就是拍攝手錶的超高分辨率圖像並將它們打包到NFT 中。這些圖像的清晰度很高,如果我們以後看到它們,我們可以再次識別它們。因此,如果每隻手錶都使用專業設備從各個角度拍攝,這些圖像就會被輸入互聯網計算機。在這裡,ORIGYN 擁有有史以來收集的最大的手錶圖像數據庫。如果我們再次看到它,這有助於我們識別手錶,例如,如果您的智能手機看起來“看到”它。

5.ORIGYN 最近和歐足聯兒童基金會舉辦了一場慈善拍賣互動,將NFT拍賣所籌善款捐給基金會,這賦予了NFT更多的意義,可以展開講講這個合作嗎?

ORIGYN has partnered with the UEFA Foundation for Children to become part of ORIGYN's 'NFTs for Good' initiative. All the proceeds will go to UEFA Foundation for Children.

Can you tell us more about this collaboration?

A: Sports collectables, like watches, suffer from a counterfeit market that destroys value. These items have emotional and sentimental value to the owners. Unfortunately they are easier to falsify. At least until now. For ORIGYN it is easy for us to use this same technology to certify the authenticity of sports collectables, like a signed T-Shirt, or Mohamed Ali's boxing gloves that he used in the Thriller in Manila, or Kobe Bryant's first pair of basketball shoes. These are all things that ORIGYN is certifying.

With UEFA Foundation for Children, we are working to create unique digital certificates which also capture some of the passion of the game in the certificate. So that you get not only the shoes the player was wearing, but also the digital media of the game where he shot the winning goal. These certificates are a combination of digital media, and authenticity. And working with the UEFA Foundation for Children, all the proceeds that come from these items when they get sold goes to a really great cause: helping refugee children in refugee camps.

體育收藏品,如手錶,受到破壞價值的假冒市場的影響。這些物品對所有者俱有情感和情感價值。但是它們更容易被偽造。對於ORIGYN 來說,我們很容易使用同樣的技術來證明體育收藏品的真實性,比如簽名的T 卹,或者穆罕默德·阿里在馬尼拉的驚悚片中使用的拳擊手套,或者科比·布萊恩特的第一雙籃球鞋。這些都是ORIGYN 正在證明的事情。


6.我們看到最近Web 3.0的趨勢在區塊鏈興起,想請問一下Daniel怎麼看到Web3.0的浪潮,以及你對廣大投資者有沒有什麼好的投資意見和建議?

We have witnessed a rise in Web 3.0. I would like to know what you think about the hype? And if you can give some tips to the retail investors in the space, what would you like to share with them?

A:First there is a lot of hype in crypto. So much so that you miss the big movements which are behind it. The web3 is one of them. Web 1.0 was log on to http and get information. Web 2.0 is log on with an account like google. Web 3.0 is sign on with your wallet. And this is the stage of evolution that we are on now. This is what makes crypto possible, this is what makes DeFi possible, this is what makes NFTs possible. This is not hype, this is a fundamental shift. The tips for investing is find something you trust, and something you believe in, in a project where people share the same values you have, and never invest more that you can afford to lose. The ORIGYN token will be listed as a token on exchange from the 15th of June. From there digital collectables certified by ORIGYN can be purchased on exchange and on our marketplace Impossible Things.


Web 1.0 是登錄到http 並獲取信息。 Web 2.0 是使用google 之類的帳戶登錄的。而Web 3.0 是用你的錢包登錄的。這就是我們現在所處的進化階段。

這是加密成為全球化可能的原因,這是DeFi 成為可能的原因,這也是使NFT 成為可能的原因。這不是炒作,這是根本性的轉變。

投資的秘訣是在一個人們擁有與你相同價值觀的項目中找到你信任和相信的東西,並且永遠不要投資更多你可以承受的損失。 ORIGYN 代幣將從6 月15 日起作為代幣在交易所上市。通過ORIGYN 認證的數字收藏品可以在交易所和我們的市場Impossible Things 上購買。


Telegram link - https://t.me/origynfoundation

Discord link - https://discord.gg/W5vEbCMXhf

Twitter - https://twitter.com/ORIGYNTech

Website - https://origyn.ch/en/
