Ladies Who Tech年度大會重磅回歸上海啦! 8月29日,星期六,Ladies Who Tech 將圍繞主題“科技不分性別”舉行為期一天的活動,致力於為更多女性能從事STEM(科學、技術、工程和數學)行業發聲。
The Ladies Who Tech Convention returns to Shanghai for a day of advocating for women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) on Saturday, August 29, with the theme “Tech Has No Gender”.

This year, 2020, has been unpredictable, but the one thing we can count on is our determination to persevere and to emerge stronger from this crisis. When it comes to closing the gender gap in STEM, the show must go on.

Ladies Who Tech年度大會的組織者們安排了一整天豐富的活動,包括主題演講,爐邊對話,圓桌討論和工作坊。備受歡迎的科技角和招聘會也將回歸。今年的大會將會有全新的男性盟友圓桌討論,並第一次嘗試快速職業輔導環節和投資者見面會。演講嘉賓和觀眾可以在雞尾酒會環節互動社交,輕鬆而愉快地結束一天的活動。本次大會將在上海新天地安達仕酒店舉行,請盡情期待被科技環繞的一天吧!
Ladies Who Tech organizers have planned a full day of keynote speeches, fireside chats, panel discussions, and workshops. The highly popular Tech Corner and Job Recruitment Fair will also be back. This year's convention will feature an ally panel and introduce a speed-mentoring and investors meet-up session. The full-day event will end with a cocktail session where speakers and attendees will have time to network. All this will take place at Andaz Xintiandi, Shanghai. This is not your average convention—expect an interactive and tech-filled day!

從2018年開始,Ladies Who Tech年度大會每年都能吸引到眾多觀眾,他們對演講嘉賓在汽車行業、數據科學、半導體、金融科技、新零售和就STEM領域當前發展趨勢發表的見解充滿熱情。年度大會將各行業的思想領袖、創業者、榜樣和專家們聚集在一起,分享他們的人生旅程、深入研究STEM行業女性的角色並繼續他們各自專業領域中性別多樣化的討論。
Since 2018, the Ladies Who Tech Annual Convention has attracted participants who are eager to hear our speakers' insights on the automotive industry, data science, fintech, retail tech, semiconductors, and current trends of STEM industries. The convention brings together leaders, start -up founders, role models, and experts to share their journey and to take a more in-depth look at what it means to be a woman in STEM and to continue the conversation on gender diversity in their fields.

Workshops will give participants the opportunity to develop a mini-program, create a video game, and learn Python for data science. Corporations and start-ups will showcase their latest STEM products and promote their job vacancies.

2020 Ladies Who Tech年度大會的支持合作夥伴有eBay、思愛普、博世、英孚教育及宜家中國。
Ladies Who Tech Convention is supported by partners such as eBay, SAP, Bosch, EF, and IKEA China.

Ladies Who Tech 一直致力於促進和達成STEM行業的性別多樣化。我們的年度大會歡迎女性以及不同性別的盟友加入,攜手為提升STEM領域的女性參與意識而努力。
Ladies Who Tech is dedicated to promoting and achieving gender diversity within STEM industries. The Convention welcomes women and allies of all genders to join forces and work together to raise awareness of women in STEM.

Date: Saturday, 29-Aug-2020

時間:09:00-17:00 年度大會,
Time: 09:00-17:00 Convention,
17:00-19:00 Cocktail Session
Venue: Andaz Xintiandi, Shanghai –
88 Songshan Road, Huangpu District

學生票:200元/人全天個人入場券: 580元/人企業團建票(10張起): 480元/人
Student Entry: ¥200 Full Day Single Pass
Regular Entry: ¥580 Full Day Single Pass
Corporate Package: ¥4,800 for 10 Passes

To register, and for agenda and speakers, visit

For more information on sponsorship and other inquiries, email