About Token Design Competition
Most tokenized blockchain projects today focus too much on fundraising rather than on its actual tokenized economy. Hence, JRR Crypto, BTC Inc., and LongHash come together to organize a competition, promoting the exploration and education of real token use-cases.
At first, we held an one-day kick-off event and open the registration channel in Berlin on 26th Oct. 2018. Judges will then determine the best projects based on 6 award categories.The final award ceremony will be hosted in Shanghai in 7th December. It will be our honor to have your participation. Join us!
如今,大多數設計通證機制的區塊鏈項目過於關注籌資而不是實際的經濟模型建設, 及商業模型的落地, 為了能夠促進通證經濟的健康發展,論證通證流通的經濟價值。這場競賽,以期探索區塊鏈技術發展新應用,共同研討數字經濟發展新趨勢。
我們已於2018年10月26日在柏林啟動Token Design Competition的評選活動。評選分為德國柏林和中國上海兩站。上海站已開啟官方報名通道,進行預選項目報名,最終將由專家委員會評選出6個獎項類別的最佳項目。 最終獎項將於12月7日在上海站頒布。歡迎您的加入!
14:00-15:00 獲獎項目與評審一對一溝通
Awarding project appointments with Judges
14:00-15:00 評委一對一媒體專訪
One on one Media interview with Judges
15:00-15:30 嘉賓簽到/Registration
15:30-16:00 開場致辭/Opening Speech
16:00-16:30 圓桌討論1/Panel Talk 1:通證經濟與商業共贏機制/Token Economy in Business Mutual Benefits
16:30-17:00 圓桌討論2/Panel Talk 2:區塊鏈行業生態發展的機遇與挑戰/The Opportunity and Challenges in Blockchain
17:00-18:00 獲獎項目展示
Awarding project presentation
18:00-18:30 行業評選頒獎典禮
Awarding Ceremony
詳情可諮詢/Contact us
Steven Zhou
Email: steven.zhou@finwex.com
David Li
Raymond He
TEL/Wechat: 13764595403
Email: raymond.he@finwex.com
Damian Qian
TEL/Wechat: 18600936157
Email: damian.qian@finwex.com