Just as Bitcoin is the money in the digital world; NFT could be compared to the “thing” in the digital world.

Web3 brings ownership to the digital world. It is constructed by smart contracts and is programmable. We now have the chance to design new forms of ownership that can avoid dilemmas between private and public ownership.

NFT is an example of such ownership, a new form of digital asset that can capture scarcity. Because of its rarity, “non-fungible token” carries out the value of the “thing”.

To further explore this theory, what differentiates the “thing” in the digital world and reality?
How we scope this question may decide the boundaries and visions of the application on NFT.

One of the possibilities Matters Lab has observed is that, while “object” in the digital world encompasses the time dimension and its evolution, that is,  the way it is designed for ownership can contain evolution over a period of time,  from the collaboration of more than one person. "Process" itself is the "thing", similar to the greatly popularized Generative Art.

Every piece of Generative Art originates from the “moment” when artists use computers to generate art through a combination of coded rules and randomness, with the ability to mimic the creation process of nature itself and generate infinite aesthetic possibilities. This method of marking ownership is exclusive to NFT, expanding the process of countless moments in one work.

Now, what if the process didn’t come from algorithmic and machine learning capabilities, instead, it is generated from the collaboration of a crowd?

This is our design philosophy behind Logbook 2.0, a decentralized diary to write-in, co-create, and transfer, also a collective book of owners  Web3 Trek. Through this mechanism, ​​Matters Lab wish to design new forms of ownership to reflect the dynamic and collaboration and make the value creation process fairer and more sustainable.

On experimenting with digital ownership, Matters Lab, creator of the popular open-source decentralized publishing platform, Matters.News with 100,000 users, has launched logbook 2.0 for NFT Traveloggers holders. Traveloggers is the first NFT social media avatar with private ownership, yet that comes with a Logbook, a co-creation writing dApp on collective ownership. Matters Lab is blurring the line between private and public ownership with various Web3 projects.

While the first version of the Logbook was stored on the Ethereum Mainnet, Logbook 2.0 smart contract was redesigned with many new features:
1. Transferring to the Polygon Chain with much affordable gas fees
2. Each Logbook 2.0 is an independent NFT that allows Traveloggers owners to claim, transfer, gift, sell or purchase via wallet address. Traveloggers holders won’t lose their PFP when they transfer the Logbook 2.0 to others.
3. Logbook 2.0 is an editable and evolvable NFT, changing its cover whenever the content is modified.

Through the medium, Matters Lab is exploring the innovation of a new-era creator economy. Furthermore, future iterative and incremental development of this product is expected to incorporate fork and donation, royalty-splitting, etc.

Successive owners can collaborate on a novel, a journalism piece, a manifesto. 

In this way, the collaboration is open-ended, but contributions still have fair rewards.
That said. you don't completely own your NFTs. Like open-source software, once public, it never stops. Your content is still yours, but it can be in any logbook.

Currently, Logbook 2.0 is only available through purchasing Traveloggers. As long as you become the owner of Travelloggers, you will be airdropped a Logbook 2.0.

In order to encourage the diverse application scenarios of Logbook 2.0, Matters Lab airdropped 0.5 MATIC to users who own Traveloggers before March 21st (UTC+8) as a creation gas fee, and also provide a community fund with a total value of 3,000 MATIC to encourage the initiate the co-creation of Logbook.

Within a week of its launch, over 20 themes were curated in Logbook libraries, including 2022 Oracle, Ask about cryptocurrencies, The most important investment principles.

Moreover, since Logbook 2.0 is a minted NFT that could be traded directly on the marketplace, this brings about an innovative practice of creator economy, a mutually beneficial collaboration between content creators and collectors, placing users more involved in a better position to embark on a journey to Web 3.0.

About Matters Lab

Matters Lab was established in 2018, a Web3 social media ecosystem with the mission to create a freer and fairer creator ecosystem. Our initiatives include using decentralization tools to protect digital rights, designing a self-governing system and community, and inventing models for a new creator economy.

Matters.News is the first entrance of Matters Lab. It is the largest open-source decentralized publishing platform in the Web3 world with 100,000 content creators. Traveloggers is the second entrance leading to a news creator economy model. We will be launching our third project, The Space, towards governing public space with radical market principles.
Matters.news also won the Google News Initiative Innovation Challenge Award 2020 and received Flagship Grant for the Web by Mozilla Foundation and Creative Commons & Coil.

Learn more about Matters Lab:

-Sign up for our email newsletter on our website: https://matters-lab.io/

-Logbook 2.0: https://logbook.matters.news/

-Find our inaugural NFT collection: Traveloggers on OpenSea here, and Logbook.

-Matters Lab Discord頻道:https://discord.gg/j98PU4zH

-Twitter [Mandarin]:https://twitter.com/MattersLab

-Twitter [English]:https://twitter.com/Mattersw3b