BitMEX research finds that women make up only about 5% of crypto investors globally. As we were founded by our beloved female founders @AlyssaTsai & @tongtongbee, PANONY has paid close attention to and encouraged women to continue to speak up!

To celebrate Women's History Month, we invited several outstanding female pioneers in the industry to share their views on #womeninweb3, shout, and encourage all women to have their voices heard!

Here are featured female pioneers’ speeches on the women's Day Campaign:

At the same time, many participants join the #womeninweb3 campaign to share their thoughts and wisdom with us.

Here are featured participants’ speeches on the women's Day Campaign:

We are very grateful to everyone for their active participation and voice, contributing their strength and voice to #womeninweb3. We send a #womeninweb3 NFT souvenir designed exclusively by PANONY to all participating in this campaign.