
本次《對話首席》特邀Jur CEO & Co-founder - Alessandro Palombo作為主嘉賓。


/Section 1:ChainNews Interview/

/ 第一環節:鏈聞提問/

ChainNews:The goal of Blockchain legal decentralized system is to become the global go-to dispute resolution system for contracts of any size, and there are typically three layers as the dispute resolution mechanisms.


Q1: How it works and how it decides the value of disputes?


Jur CEO - Alessandro:The value of each dispute is determined by the amount escrowed by each party. Let's take the example of the Jur Beta Platform. Me and you, we decide to escrow an amount in JUR tokens which is equal to 3,000 USD. This is the value of the contract.

【譯文】Jur CEO - Alessandro:每項爭議的價值取決於各方託管的金額。我們以Jur Beta平台為例。我們決定託管價值等於3000美金的Jur代幣。這是合同的價值。現在,假如你不看好事情的進展,所以你通過質押合同價值的1%來提出爭議。初始金額的3000美元是爭議的價值。

Now, let's say you don't like how things are going, so you open a dispute by staking 1% of the contract value. This initial amount of 30 USD is the value of the dispute. Any other Jur token holder, by voting on this dispute, will increase the value of the dispute.


That's because voting, on the platform, means to stake JUR tokens on one of the two parties in litigation. The theoretical limit of a single dispute is 1 billion tokens (the maximum number of JUR tokens available). We can't say, for now, what would be the average value.


Q2: Is there any limitations and what's the problems and challenges to set up this kind of system?


Jur CEO - Alessandro:Jur's solution are visionary for the most. This is because we are re-thinking the idea of justice, from a paper contract that has to be dealt in tribunal to a completely digitalized process.

【譯文】Jur CEO - Alessandro:因為我們重新思考瞭如果將紙質合同變成一種完全數字化的程序,那麼Jur的大多數的司法解決方案終將是可視化的。

Of course, the path to realize this vision is not easy and full of challenges, but each step we are taking is meant towards going the same goal of realizing a platform of use on the blockchain, for everybody.


We have already gone trough many milestones that seemed impossible one year ago. For example, Fenbushi Capital investing in our project, as the only legaltech project in their entire portfolio.


Or the possibility of testing our MVP with top ranking universities such as the Radbound faculty of law in Netherlands. So we are confident that we can address many more challenges in the years to come.


ChainNews:Jur, a platform for the creation and sale of “Smart Legal Contracts”, which are fully customizable contracts. With system's easy-to-use interface, the user can select and assemble contract elements that contain both the necessary computer code and accompanying legal language.


Q3: Suppose that most users of the platform (such as real estate agents and corporate legal staff) are not familiar with the coding language, how easy can this process be?


Jur CEO - Alessandro:There is no coding required, so they just have to insert the so called KPIs (key performance indicators) in the Jur Beta Platform thanks to a very easy user friendly interface, set an escrow amount in JUR tokens to make the contract valuable and ask to the other party to accept the proposal.

【譯文】Jur CEO - Alessandro:不需要編碼,因此他們只需在Jur Beta平台中插入所謂的KPI(關鍵性能指標)。這要歸功於簡單易使用的界面設計,以JUR代幣設置託管金額使合同有價值,然後讓另一方接受提案。

It's all done by using natural language and by using the features of the platform.

【譯文】Jur CEO - Alessandro:這一切都可以通過使用自然語言和平台的功能完成。

Q4: How about Jur's Road map?


Jur CEO - Alessandro:Our immediate next steps will be to expand the team, to carry on the academic tests for the lab of the new justice with law faculties and to close on more commercial agreements.

【譯文】Jur CEO - Alessandro:我們接下來的計劃是擴大團隊,與律所一同對這種新法律體系進行測試,並且將這種體係其應用於更多商業合同。

Legal Zoom and Rocket Lawyer are offering paper based contracts and most of all, they are companies providing some templates. They are not marketplace and therefore really centralized.

【譯文】Legal Zoom和Rocket Lawyer提供紙質合同,最重要的是,他們提供一些模板。它們不是市場,因此非常中心化。

Jur marketplace allows any expert to create a template and sell it, so to be able to become unique, global platform with thousands of expert who draft the contracts.

【譯文】Jur 商城允許任何專家創建模板並出售,所以Jur能夠成為獨特的、全球化的平台,無數專家可以通過Jur平台起草合同。

/Section 2: ChainDD Interview/

/ 第二環節:鏈得得提問/

ChainDD:“Do It Yourself” Legal Contract services, such as LegalZoom and Rocket Lawyer, have been available in the US for many years.


Q1: What is the advantage of Blockchain legal decentralized system and Jur over these platforms?

鏈得得-齊靈鴿: 基於區塊鏈技術的去中心化法務體系,或者Jur,相對於這些網站的優勢在何處?

Jur CEO - Alessandro:Jur is building an entire ecosystem of products from the contract creation up to solving any potential dispute that can arise between the parties. In this sense Jur does way more than the above mentioned services.

【譯文】Jur CEO - Alessandro: Jur正在建立一個完整的產品生態系統,從合同創建到解決雙方之間可能出現的任何潛在爭議。從這個意義上說,Jur比上面提到的服務做得更多。

Apart from this, the main point is that Jur being a decentralized platform allows any JUR token holder to determine and contribute to the efficiency of such services (eg in the Open Layer, JUR token holders act as voters and ensure that disputes are solved fairly) .


Apart from this, the main point is that Jur being a decentralized platform allows any JUR token holder to determine and contribute to the efficiency of such services (eg in the Open Layer, JUR token holders act as voters and ensure that disputes are solved fairly) .


To create a stable and incorruptible system Jur has introduced the token not only for the payments but for many other essential features of the platform. This approach is completely different from what the mentioned platform do.


Being central entities that offer similar services to Jur they can control, modify and revert data as per they convenience (eg just imagine a big company interested in changing some legal term in a signed contract to their advantage).


In Jur all the crucial data is stored onchain allowing anyone that has an internet connection to check that it was not corrupted. I hope I gave an extensive idea of what are the differences. For us this is a very important element. Thanks! I' m done with this question.


Q2: Payments on the such kind of platform can be made in Token. Does this payment method create a barrier for users to use Blockchain legal decentralized?


Jur CEO - Alessandro:The value of each dispute is determined by the amount escrowed by each party. Let's take the example of the Jur Beta Platform. Me and you, we decide to escrow an amount in JUR tokens which is equal to 3,000 USD. This is the value of the contract.

【譯文】Jur CEO - Alessandro:我們接下來的計劃是擴大團隊,與律所一同對這種新法律體系進行測試,並且將這種體係其應用於更多商業合同。

Blockchain technology is still at its early stage. But we are confident that in the near future more and more solution will be created to help people access blockchain-based services with ease.


Not so long ago it was almost impossible that people trusted the internet to put its money; now you are literally 2 clicks away to any kind of product thanks to e-commerce, paypal and other services as such and a improved user experience design that is meant to make things easy to be executed.

【譯文】不久前,人們幾乎不可能信任互聯網交易; 現在,通過電子商務,paypal和其他服務,只需要鼠標一點就可以輕鬆購買任何產品。這種升級的用戶體驗設計,讓生活更簡單。

We are part, as Jur, of that revolution that will bring the possibiity to manage with ease whatever it is needed to be on the legal side. That's why we think of introducing, for example, the stable coin as a method for using the escrow , instead of JUR only.


Q3: How about Jur's Token Economy?


Jur CEO - Alessandro:The JUR token allows you to streamline your business relations. Each product we have invented is made to be used with the JUR token so, for example, in the Jur Editor and in the Jur Marketplace, the token is used to create contracts from scratch.


In the Open Layer and the Community Layer, the token is used to create a p2p dispute resolution system. In the Court Layer, where the token is used to create legal online dispute resolutions valid in more than 150 countries worldwide.


Jur's ecosystem is the definitive justice engine. Fueled by JUR tokens, professionals and business alike are able to conveniently manage their legal affairs, regardless of location, industry, or the type of business conducted. We are going to release an article about the detailed JUR tokenomics so keep an eye on our twitter and medium. We will also be launching a WeChat community.


/Section 3:Huoxun Interview/

/ 第三環節:火訊財經提問/

Huoxun:Jur's three innovative dispute resolution mechanisms graduated in complexity according to the value of the disputes, which aim to create real jurisdictions on the blockchain.


Q1: What's the difference between these three mechanisms?


Jur CEO - Alessandro: These three mechanisms are part of the so called Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) mechanisms. We have added a 'd' before ODR, so to designate that the Jur ODRs are actually dODRs, decentralized online dispute resolution ones. We have called them 'layers', and defined them as the Open, the Community and the Court layers. The open layer is a mechanism where anyone with a JUR token can vote, on other people's dispute.

【譯文】Jur CEO - Alessandro:這三種機制是所謂的線上糾紛解決方案(ODR)的一部分,我們在ODR前邊加了一個“d”,所以實際上是dODRs, 代表著去中心化線上解決方案(d=去中心化)。我們把他們叫做“層”定義為開放層、社區層、法院層。開放層是一種任何持有Jur用戶都可以為其他人的爭議投票的機制。

The voting system will grant a part to be the winner of a dispute, and you can get a reward if you have voted to the right one. The Open Layer will be ready available from day 0 of the IEO, together with the Jur Editor for contract creation, on what we have called the Jur Beta Platform.

【譯文】系統將選出部分用戶的爭議作為勝出者,任何投票給他們的用戶都可以獲得獎勵。開放層將在項目認購期間開啟,同步開啟的還有創建合同的Jur編輯器,這些產品都將上線Jur Beta 平台。

The Open layer is free of charge and it is meant for small-sized disputes. The Community layer is an enhancement of the Open, and it grants the possibility to create hubs of expert to vote on a certain dispute instead of anyone.


That will give you the possibility to create a valuable, professional decision on dispute of higher value. The Court layer is the digitalized tribunal of the future and gives you the possibility to access to arbitrators online. It will make enforced the decision given by the arbitrator . It is legally binding, in more than 150 countries.


It's really something special. We are looking forward to have the foundations of the Court Layer set. Done!


Q2: How to ensure fairness for users living in different states or countries?


Jur CEO - Alessandro:The first two layers can be used wherever, regardless of geographical boundaries, because the mechanisms of resolution are inside the platform and not related to a specific jurisdiction. The Court Layer is designed, instead, to be related to the jurisdiction several Countries by internal Law or thanks to the New York Convention. Done!

【譯文】Jur CEO - Alessandro:前兩種“層”可以在任何地方使用,突破地域限制,因為這種機制是內嵌在平台內部,跟具體的管轄權無關。相反,法院層則為鏈接被內部法律或是紐約公約管轄的國家。

Q3: How are the members of the community are selected in the Jur?


Jur CEO - Alessandro:The criteria to be part of a pool of experts in the Community Layer are defined by the hub creator. So for example I would like only +35 years old graphic designers specialized in web design to be voters of my hub. I would do that because I want a professionalized judgment on my possible dispute. Done.

【譯文】Jur CEO - Alessandro: 【翻譯】社區層裡專家選舉的標準是由節點創建者定義的。所以舉個例子,我更希望35歲以上的網頁平面設計師為我的節點投票,因為我更希望在我的爭議上獲得更專業的判斷。

/Section 4:Chainfor Interview/

/ 第四環節:鏈向財經提問/

Chainfor:As Jur white paper, it will create an ecosystem for developing and enforcing contracts system that is global and judicial.


Q1:What's the incentive system to attract so many professional lawyers and experts to contribute their intelligence and share their intellectual creation with others?


Jur CEO - Alessandro: To upload a contract template on the Jur Marketplace is a business for them and they can easily become community leaders, respected professionals amongst the community if the value of their work is high. Done!

【譯文】Jur CEO - Alessandro:在Jur商城上傳合同模闆對他們來說是一項業務,如果他們的工作價值高,他們很容易成為社區領袖,變成社區中受尊敬的專業人士。回答完畢

Q2:To what extent people can intervene in the adjudication of contracts?


Anyone can, in the Open Layer. Only selected people, based on average professional criteria can, in the Community Layer. Only recognized arbitrators can, in the Court Layer.


As you can see, we have imagined the three layers to increase in value of performance and quality, depending on the needs of the user.


To deal with what we call 'micro-justice', you can use the Open Layer, and this is used for contracts whose value is maximum of some hundreds dollars. Higher values should go to the Community. Highest values, up to enterprise ones, to the Court.
