感謝大家關註三元社區最新一期的AMA,今晚我們有幸請來Glen Bullen

Thank you for your Following our latest AMA. My name is Sunny and I will be your host tonight! Tonight, we have the honor to invite Glen Bullen with us.

感謝:Odaily 星球日報、PANews、Tokenview、三元資本TernaryCapital 對本次活動的大力支持。

Thanks: Winkrypto, Tokenview, PANews, and Ternary Capital for their strong support for this event.


Be quiet, everyone, let's start today's activity

1、Could you please introduce yourself and Nitro League ?

你能介紹一下你自己和Nitro League 嗎?

I'm Glen Bullen, Chief Operating Officer (COO) at Nitro League.

我是Glen Bullen Nitro League (COO) 的首席運營官

I have worked with successful startups for over 20 years, and bring significant expertise into Nitro across all facets of the global Gaming and Digital Asset sectors.

Nitro League is a fantastic car racing play-to-earn game, with an NFT marketplace powered by our partner Terra Virtua, and with game mechanics, graphic art and tokenomics developed by the best in the business.

我和初創公司合作20 多年,並將重要的專業知識帶入Nitro,涵蓋全球遊戲和數字資產領域的各個方面。

Nitro League 是一款出色的賽車賺錢遊戲,其NFT 市場由我們的合作夥伴Terra Virtua 提供支持,遊戲機制、圖形藝術和代幣經濟學由業內最優秀的人開發。

2、What difficulties have been encountered during the development of Nitro League ?

Nitro League的發展過程中遇到了哪些困難?

In all honesty, we've been working through everything really well. We have a very experienced leadership team in place; as well as fantastic advisors and investors supporting us.

老實說,我們一直在很好地解決所有問題。我們擁有一支經驗豐富的領導團隊; 還有支持我們的顧問和投資者。

And we've all seen the pitfalls previously so know what to look out for.


Sometimes a company is light on game development buy heavy on the blockchain side - so it's technically good, but the game not so much.

有時,一家公司在遊戲開發方面不太重視,而在區塊鏈方面卻大量購買- 所以它在技術上是好的,但遊戲並沒有那麼好

This can be flipped the other way, where it is a great game, but doesn't have any decent crypto economy or utility - and you will see a load of them next year…


That's why we have brought in a AAA games studio, and with David (our Chief Strategy Officer) and the Holochain team we have GREAT blockchain developers and GREAT gaming.

這就是為什麼我們引入了一家AAA 遊戲工作室,並與David(我們的首席戰略官)和Holochain 團隊一起擁有出色的區塊鏈開發人員和出色的遊戲。

We also benefit from having people from the likes of YGG and Delphi advising us on Guilds and mechanics.

我們還受益於來自YGG 和Delphi 之類的人員為我們提供公會和機制方面的建議。

So, we are confident we have our risk areas covered.


It's not always been smooth sailing, but really we've not encountered any major difficulties.


3、How will Nitro League differentiate itself when there are so many P2E game projects available ? What are your main features that make you different from other competitors and what competitive advantages do you have?

當有這麼多的P2E 遊戲項目可用時,Nitro League 將如何區分自己?您的主要特點是什麼,使您與其他競爭對手不同,您有哪些競爭優勢?

It's really about ensuring we are delivering a better product and player experience than any of the others in the play-to-earn space.


As mentioned above we have seen a lot of pitfalls that others have already experienced and we're ensuring we avoid repeating their missteps. We've seen that many companies are are just too light on games development while being too heavy on the blockchain side so while they can be pleased with it being technically good, for the player - the most important aspect of the whole enterprise - the game does not deliver a good experience.

如上所述,我們已經看到了很多其他人已經經歷過的陷阱,我們正在確保避免重蹈他們的覆轍。我們已經看到,許多公司對遊戲開發過於重視,而在區塊鏈方面過於重視,因此雖然他們對技術上的好感到滿意,但對於玩家- 整個企業最重要的方面- 遊戲不能提供良好的體驗。

On the other hand, there are those with great game design - but poor blockchain technology. So a great game,but no decent crypto economy or utility - and you are likely see a lot of this in the coming year.


But for us, we have put together what we are confident is the winning formula: a AAA games studio + David A, the co-founder of Holochain and his team for the blockchain technology + a great gaming concept and design = WIN WIN WIN!

但對我們來說,我們已經總結出了我們有信心的獲勝公式:AAA遊戲工作室+Holochain聯合創始人David A及其區塊鏈技術團隊+出色的遊戲理念和設計=WIN WIN WIN!

4、Security is the most important thing to consider when starting up a project, how secure is this project for users and investors?


Absolutely, you're right, security is critical.


That's why we are working with leading blockchain and security experts, such as the team from Holochain, to ensure everything is fully secure - yet still finding the right balance with the usability. and the smart contracts are being audited as well of course. So we are confident we have security concerns and requirements very well covered.

5、Can you talk about tokens ? What are the usage areas ? And is there information about the token launch?

你能談談代幣嗎?有哪些使用領域?是否有關於代幣發布的信息?這就是我們與領先的區塊鍊和安全專家(例如Holochain 的團隊)合作的原因,以確保一切都完全安全——但仍然在可用性之間找到適當的平衡。當然,智能合約也正在接受審計。因此,我們相信我們已經很好地涵蓋了安全問題和要求。

The token launch has been going through this week, via Polkastarter, Polygen and Copper (which closes today at 1400 UTC).

本週通過Polkastarter、Polygen 和Copper(今天在1400 UTC 收盤)進行了代幣發布。

The response has been overwhelming, smashing targets on the first two platforms and well on target to do so as wlel on the third.


The token utility is $NITRO

They are ERC20, and for the gaming expereince all the cars are NFTs.

The parts and upgrades are also NFTs - skins, spoilers, rims, steering wheel etc. All of these are available to make up our personalized car.



零件和升級也是NFT - 皮膚、擾流板、輪輞、方向盤等。所有這些都可以用來組成我們的個性化汽車。

What that also means is if you race someone else on the track for their ca and win, you can break it apart and sell the parts in the market.


(which certainly inspires the competitive spirit!)


Tickets are also purchased with Nitro to enter the races, Tickets can also be rewarded

Your garage (your gallery) is where your car, artwork and robot are stored

your robot (think of Jarvis in Ironman) will let you know what parts need replacing, if your cars require FUEL and repairs and refuels them for you.

Your garage is where you can live stream, where you can invite your friends before tournaments and participate in missions. your garage can be redesigned to your style, NFTs again purchased with your NITRO



如果您的汽車需要FUEL 和維修並為您加油,您的機器人(想想Ironman 中的Jarvis)會告訴您哪些零件需要更換。

你的車庫是你可以直播的地方,你可以在比賽前邀請你的朋友並參與任務。您的車庫可以根據您的風格重新設計,NFT 再次與您的NITRO 一起購買

Finally, staking your $NITRO tokens unlocks reward multipliers, giving you access to exclusive events.

But the coolest bit for me in staking your tokens is that if you have earned your REP and XP and staked enough tokens, you get to start your own CLAN! So can design your own banner, invite your friends to race with you in your clan and design your own tracks to race on.

最後,抵押您的$NITRO 代幣可以解鎖獎勵倍增器,讓您可以參加獨家活動。

但對我來說,抵押代幣最酷的一點是,如果您獲得了REP 和XP 並抵押了足夠多的代幣,您就可以開始自己的CLAN!因此可以設計您自己的橫幅,邀請您的朋友在您的氏族中與您一起比賽,並設計您自己的賽道以進行比賽。

6、Can you provide information on how users can join the game ? How to earn money from Nitro League games?

您能否提供有關用戶如何加入遊戲的信息?如何從Nitro League 遊戲中賺錢?

There will be a free-to-earn component ; and as well our $NITRO token will be on DEX then a CEX. We'll start off with UniSwap and Quickswap.

將有一個免費賺取的組件; 同樣,我們的$NITRO 代幣將在DEX 上,然後在CEX 上。我們將從UniSwap 和Quickswap 開始。

What's important is anyone will be able to play the games, there is no KYC requirement just to play as you can play without a token.

There are plenty of different ways to earn. Winning a match brings reputation points, scales up the XP and unlocks blueprints (our breeding mechanism) to build better cars. Rewards are gained in all game modes that Nitro League will offer.

All rewards are ERC20 variable supply tokens. Participate in different events and then trade or sell your items.

重要的是任何人都可以玩遊戲,沒有KYC 要求只是玩遊戲,因為您可以在沒有令牌的情況下玩遊戲。

有很多不同的賺錢方式。贏得一場比賽會帶來聲望點數、經驗值和解鎖藍圖(我們的育種機制)以製造更好的汽車。在Nitro League 提供的所有遊戲模式中都會獲得獎勵。

所有獎勵都是ERC20 可變供應代幣。參加不同的活動,然後交易或出售您的物品。

7、What is the action plan to attract users to the game ? Can you briefly talk about the in-game features ?


We want everyone to get playing the game!


So one of the key features is that you will be able to start playing without any investment or cost, so it will grow organically which will attract a lot of experienced gamers, which makes attracting and educatating newcomers that much easier.


8、The community of gamers is really big. What is the strategies will nitroleaguegame execute to bring non-crypto gamers to your platform? How will you achieve that mass adoption everyone wants? Do you have any rewards or incentives for every new player in a nitro league game?

遊戲玩家社區真的很大。 nitroleaguegame 將執行哪些策略來將非加密遊戲玩家帶到您的平台?你將如何實現每個人都想要的大規模採用?對於硝基聯賽中的每位新玩家,您是否有任何獎勵或激勵措施?

The Nitro League team is very expereinced in the art and skill of acquiring new users, and we understanbd the costs associated with being involved in the mass market. So we have allocated a substantial marketing budget in support of these critical activities.

Nitro League 團隊在獲取新用戶的藝術和技巧方面非常有經驗,我們理解與參與大眾市場相關的成本。因此,我們分配了大量營銷預算來支持這些關鍵活動。

People are used to apps, coins, and mechanics similar to blockchain games - but blockchain economies have more layers as well as guild mechanics we need to cover.


9、What are your significant achievements till now and what are your other plans for this year?


We have achieved so much in such an extraordinary short period of time! But working 18 hours days 7 days a week will do that! ????

我們在如此短的時間內取得瞭如此多的成就!但是每週7 天每天工作18 小時就可以做到這一點! ????

The most significant milestone are sure if the token launch this week, that's been amazing.


Going forward we are really excited for you to be able to buy your NFTs and upgrades so you can all start "souping" up your car and show them off as soon as your tracks are ready - that's our fantastic partner Terra Virtua's part.

展望未來,我們真的很高興您能夠購買NFT 和升級,這樣您就可以開始“升級”您的汽車並在您的賽道準備好後立即展示它們- 這是我們出色的合作夥伴Terra Virtua 的一部分。

Over the next 6 months after the IDO launch, we have scheduled releases allowing you to engage in new parts of the game, so we are building it with you.

在IDO 發布後的接下來的6 個月內,我們已安排發布允許您參與遊戲的新部分,因此我們正在與您一起構建它。

First to come is the garage where your cars are stored, you can hang out there, watch races live stream on twitch (all features phased in as well), hang up your NFTs as wall art, it's one of my favourite features in the game . and imagine having oculus and just sitting in garage drinking beer next to you supercars and F1 calendar of course!

首先是你的汽車存放的車庫,你可以在那裡閒逛,在Twitch 上觀看比賽直播(所有功能也分階段加入),將你的NFT 掛起來作為藝術牆,這是我在遊戲中最喜歡的功能之一. 想像一下,你坐在車庫裡喝啤酒,當然是超級跑車和F1 日曆!

We also have SOLO Missions, new race tracks and races, there will be multi-player races, CLAN races, man it's going to be non-stop revealing more and more to our players and let me share the road map with you


But the really great thing is that tons of it is already developed, so we are not doing it from scratch. Full steam ahead!


10、Lastly, how is Nitro League development going ? Can you describe current development status, market expansion plans, expected applications ? What awaits us in the future?

最後,Nitro League 的開發進展如何?您能描述一下目前的發展狀況、市場擴張計劃、預期應用嗎?未來等待我們的是什麼?

Well, there is a lot going on! We've received our private investment ($5M), whuich was amazing and such a vote of confidence for us by the investors. We announced our IDO at the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix last week whicxh was such an amzing venue / event to do so at and was so enthusiastically received by the attendees, who were all digital entrepreneurs and invetors and those committed to the digital space.

嗯,有很多事情要發生!我們收到了我們的私人投資(500 萬美元),這真是太棒了,投資者對我們投下瞭如此信任的一票。我們上週在AbuDhabi大獎賽上宣布了我們的IDO,這是一個如此令人驚嘆的場地/活動,並且受到了與會者的熱烈歡迎,他們都是數字企業家和投資者以及致力於數字空間的人。

And we have our white label NFT marketplace provided by our partner Terra Virtua, who are really one of the best out there. So, in just a few days we will launch our original series of NFT 3D Cars on Terra Virtua (which look amazing… .).

我們有我們的合作夥伴Terra Virtua 提供的白標NFT 市場,他們確實是最好的市場之一。因此,在短短幾天內,我們將在Terra Virtua 上推出我們原創的NFT 3D 汽車系列(看起來很棒......)。

We're working as hard and as fast as we can and can't wait to have you all join in the experience with us!


大家對Nitro League 還有什麼疑問呢?

Do you have any questions about the Nitro League?

1、Question:At present, the market trend is not very good. There may be a bear market in the future. During the bear market, there will be few users and funds. Did the project team take corresponding measures for the bear market?

That's an important question. We are very well-funded and are allocating resources acccordingly - we utilise where needed now and bank for further requirements down the line. We are not reliant on a massive launch and unhindered growth from day one, we are very well supported for the long run.

2、Question:Nitro League will not launch any products worthy of our expectation in the future?

There are many more cars, featuresm]

and exciting new developments to come

we have only just begun!

3、Question:Too many projects boast how good their projects are, but they haven't released any work products or actions for a long time after ama. Is this the same for your project? If not, can you tell us what you will do later, and what makes your project different from other projects?

Well, it's 16 Dec and we launch 18 Dec so I'd say there's no risk in their being any great delay after this AMA! ????

Well, thanks very much everybody - and I look forward to seeing you all on the Nitro League track very soon!!

4、Question:Will there be a new strategic plan next?

We will always be responsive to both market and player requirements, we are definitely not 'set in stone' with our strategic planning and rollout. Very much a continuous and responsive, well-considered process.

Because of time, today's ama is over


Thank you Glen Bullen for coming to the Sanyuan community, and hope that the future Nitro League will be stronger!

感謝Glen Bullen 來到三元社區,希望 Nitro League未來越來越強大!